Your gorgeous new Corvus kitchen remodel can’t be the heart of your home if it’s simply left as a showroom. It must be used to feed friends and family to become a gathering space, and that means getting it dirty. Sometimes really dirty. Let’s look at one of the hardest working parts of a kitchen, the range hood and fan, and we will show you how to keep it looking and running like new well after that new kitchen feeling wears off.

Depending on how often you cook, you should clean all parts of your kitchen hood every other month or so. I know, I know, that sounds like a lot. But, I promise you that the more often you clean it, the easier it is to clean. Since the range hood sits right over your cooktop, it is prone to all sorts of splatters and splashes from your cooking, and grease can accumulate quickly, which can be hard to remove if left too long.
Safety first
Before you get started, be sure to unplug your range hood or turn off the circuit breaker that powers the hood. Once that is done, you can remove the grease filters and the grates. If your hood has replaceable filters, throw out the old one and prepare new one.

Soak grates and filters
Fill your sink or a tub with warm, soapy water and place the grates in to soak while you clean the rest of the hood. This will make cleaning them so much easier, and you will spend less time scrubbing.
Clean the fan blades
While the grate is off you should be able to access the fan blades. Using a degreaser and a damp cloth, wipe the fan blades clean.
Clean the exterior of your range hood
Now’s the time to clean off all those messes that splattered onto the hood while you’ve been cooking. The hood will often have layers of grease or grime that needs to be wiped down regularly. We recommend using a mild soap and water mixture that will help the degreasing process.

Simply fill a spray bottle with warm water and a teaspoon of dish soap and then use a microfiber towel to wipe the hood down after spraying. Going with the grain of the metal, spray and wipe the entire exterior of the hood. If you have a lot of grease buildup, try a vinegar and baking soda paste prior to cleaning. Wipe that mixture off and then use the soap and water mixture to spray the exterior of the hood and wipe it down, which will leave it looking brand new.
Scrub the grates and replace filters if necessary
Now’s the time to go grab the grates that have been soaking and make sure to clean out any of the channels of the grate with a soft bristle brush. Scrub carefully so you don’t damage the grates, and be sure not to use any abrasive cleaners. Once the grates are clean, you can rinse them and then dry with a towel or rag. Replace any filters (if applicable) and then place the grate back into the hood.

Plug it back in and it’s ready to go
That’s it, your range hood is degreased and ready to help keep your kitchen ventilated and odor-free for all your many family meals. Keeping up on cleaning will help keep your Corvus kitchen remodel looking amazing for decades to come.