Granite or Quartz Countertops: Which is Best for Your Kitchen?

There are numerous elements that go into a high-end kitchen remodeling job, and frankly, very few of them are cheap. The kitchen is one place where paying for the very best often pays off as an investment, but there is no getting around the fact that it can be a big investment. In the kitchen … Read more

Granite Kitchen Sinks

Possibly the single hardest working element of any kitchen (after Mom, that is) is the kitchen sink. The sink gets used in nearly every cooking project, and certainly it is an important part of cleaning up after each project. Sooner or later just about everything in the kitchen except the range and the refrigerator is … Read more

Creative Kitchen Color Schemes

Choosing a base color for your kitchen remodeling job is simple, even with the huge variety of choices available. In order to choose the proper base color for your kitchen, go with the colors the cook likes! This should be a simple matter of asking, but it may be informative to take a look at … Read more

Best Kitchen Lighting Options For Your Remodel

The Best Lighting you can have in your kitchen is natural light. However, that can be tough to manage several months of the year, especially here in the Pacific Northwest. Hopefully, during the months when the natural light is best, you will be outside grilling, and not that concerned about lighting in the kitchen. Kitchen … Read more