What is an average cost of a bathroom remodel in Snohomish County?
Average price per square foot: $249.51 per Sq. Ft.
Lowest price per square foot: $121.45 per Sq. Ft.
Highest price per square foot: $622.77 per Sq. Ft.
Regularly updated blog posts covering remodeling ideas from Seattle General Contractor Corvus Construction
Average price per square foot: $249.51 per Sq. Ft.
Lowest price per square foot: $121.45 per Sq. Ft.
Highest price per square foot: $622.77 per Sq. Ft.
The average cost of a bathroom remodel is X amount of dollars Do you remember learning algebra in school? A sequential process to finding out what the unknown is. Yes, it certainly was a mental workout, but when we arrived at the answer, we understood how we came up with X, and it all made … Read more
A quick, basic overview of bathroom remodeling estimation for DIYers
Why do the three different estimates I received from contractors for my remodel vary so much?