Corvus Construction loves to give back to our community. This year, we partnered with Lake Stevens Parks and Recreation as part of Corvus’ Annual Community Park Cleanup. We love that our annual park clean up allows the whole family to be able to participate, teaching the youngest members of our community ways to give back.
We are passionate about keeping our parks functional and clean and ready to be enjoyed. After a few visits to Eagle Ridge Park in our new neighborhood, we knew it would be the perfect location for our annual park clean up.

Eagle Ridge Park is a 28-acre park, named for the eagle’s nest next to Lundeen Parkway. The extensive passive nature trails wind through the wetland headwaters of Hubert and Eagle Creeks.
Lake Stevens is the new home of Corvus owners and founders Denis and Brenda Vladyko and their family. Corvus Construction’s new address is 1111 122nd Ave NE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258. We are still serving Snohomish county and look forward to helping with your renovation or custom design.
We are happy to have joined the Lake Stevens community

On July 20, 2019 our group met at Eagle Ridge Park and immediately got to work. This annual park clean-up event is part of giving back to our local community where we work, live, and serve.
This year we focused on trail restoration by removing decaying railroad ties and replacing them with new ones. Replacing the ties helps prevent erosion as well as grooming the trail. This will keep the trail free from erosion for years to come.
We also worked on clearing weeds and sticker bushes from various areas around the park. This clearing and cleaning helps beautify the park and make it more user-friendly.

After a hard day of cleaning and clearing, we had a volunteer appreciation BBQ following the clean up. We had a fun and successful day working together side by side. Afterwards, it was great to kick back and celebrate a job well done.
Our prizes this year for our youthful volunteers included 2 hours of stand up paddle board rental, 4 movie tickets, and $20 to Blues Frozen Yogurt. Eagle Ridge Park and Trail are looking tip top and are ready for you to come visit.
Corvus Construction gives back to our community
Thank you again everyone who comes out each year to make our annual Park Clean Up possible. This year we had an amazing crew of family, friends, and clients who donated their time and talents. Thank you for helping to make Lake Stevens parks even more beautiful.
Corvus Construction loves to give back to our community and all of our amazing volunteers make it possible. Thank you for another great year of volunteering!
Check out previous park clean ups here and see why we’re passionate about giving back to our community.